To better protect your account, your agency may enable the date of birth validation feature which will prompt for your date of birth in two scenarios:
- When you set a password to register your patient portal account for the first time.
- When you are resetting the password for your patient portal account.
In order to successfully register your account or reset your password, the date of birth that you enter must match the date of birth that your agency has entered on your client record. If you believe that your agency has an incorrect date of birth on your record, you must contact them directly to update your file.
If you make too many incorrect attempts to enter your date of birth, your account will be locked for a period of 10 minutes.
Quick Links ⚡️
- How to Enter Your Date of Birth
- What to Do If You Believe Your Date of Birth Is Incorrect
- What to Do If You Get Locked out of Your Account
- What to Do When Multiple Clients Are Using the Same Email to Login
How to Enter Your Date of Birth
Please follow the format of MM-DD-YYYY when entering your date of birth, including the dashes. Do not include any spaces or letters.
The values for both month and day must have two digits, each.
The value for year must have four digits.
Please use the guide below for examples of incorrect and correct formatting:
Incorrect date of birth format | Correct date of birth format |
December 31, 2000 | 12-31-2000 |
Jun 15 1954 | 06-15-1954 |
Mar-1-1970 | 03-01-1978 |
8-1-86 | 08-01-1986 |
11291995 | 11-29-1995 |
What to Do If You Believe Your Date of Birth Is Incorrect
If you have entered your date of birth using the correct format as in the green examples above and you see the error message "Date of birth does not match our records," it's possible that your agency entered the wrong date of birth on your client record.
Please promptly reach out to your agency to ensure that your date of birth is corrected. When reaching out for help, please provide the specifics on exactly how you typed your date of birth.
What to Do If You Get Locked out of Your Account
If you make 5 incorrect attempts to enter a date of birth over a short period, you will be temporarily locked out of your account for 10 minutes. This is a measure to prevent bad actors or bots from accessing an account through repeated guesses.
During the 10-minute lockout period, you will be unable to make additional attempts to register your account or reset your password. Your attempts will reset after the 10-minute period has expired.
What to Do When Multiple Clients Are Using the Same Email to Login
In the scenario where multiple clients are using the same email to access the patient portal - for example, when a parent used their own email to create accounts for themselves as well as their children - any date of birth associated with client records sharing that email will be accepted.
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