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How To Download Session Notes as PDFs

Article author
Dennis Myl
  • Updated


Looking to download session notes from a session onto your local desktop? Follow the steps below!

Guide 📖

Navigate to the Roster tab and find the patient's name on the list on the left-hand side


Once you find and click on the correct patient, navigate to the 'Notes' tab. In the notes tab, you will see all available notes on file to view. Navigate to the one you are looking for and click on it


Once the correct note is open, the option to download it as a PDF will appear


Once you click this option, a print preview will open. Under the 'Destination' dropdown, click 'Save as PDF'. Click save to save onto your local desktop

  • Please note that if you have provided OnCall with an image of your signature, the signature will be appended to the bottom of the session note. If you want to include your signature in your session note PDF file, please reach out to our support team with the image of your signature
  • Please note that the signature will not be appended at the end of the session note when coordinators download it as a PDF


Please note that downloading session notes from our platform onto your desktop no longer keeps the notes in a secure place. Please be mindful of the notes you download and immediately delete them once you are finished using them.

Need A Hand? 🙋🏽🤔

Followed all the steps but still having issues? Feel free to reach out to our support team, we're more than happy to help!



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