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How to Assign/Unassign Forms Mobile

Article author
Ly Do
  • Updated


You can easily assign forms to your patients through our mobile app! Follow the steps below to learn how to do so!

Quick Links ⚡️

Assigning Forms to An Existing Appointment

Unssigning Forms on An Existing Appointment

Assigning Forms To An Individual Without An Upcoming Appointment 

Unassigning Forms To An Individual Without An Upcoming Appointment 

Guide 📖

Assigning Forms to An Existing Appointment

Click on the 'More' option on an upcoming appointment


Followed by 'Assign Form'


A form browser will open and you will be prompted to click on the form you'd like to assign


Followed by a prompt to select which participants(s) you'd like to assign the form to. With a group appointment, you're able to assign forms to certain participants and not others. Once the correct participant(s) are checked off, click 'Assign'


Unssigning Forms on An Existing Appointment

Click on the text under the 'Forms:' field on the appointment card


You will be shown all the assigned forms to the specific participant. Click the three dots beside the form you'd like to unassign


Followed by 'Unassign Form'


Assigning Forms To An Individual Without An Upcoming Appointment 

To assign a form to a user without an upcoming appointment, navigate to the roster tab and find the contact you'd like to assign a form to


Once the correct contact is selected, navigate over to the 'forms' tab, followed by clicking '+ New'


You will be prompted to select what new thing you'd like to add; An Appointment, A Form, or A File. Click 'Form'


A form browser will open and you will be prompted to click on the form you'd like to assign


Clicking on the appropriate form will assign it to the user and notify them of the new form to complete

Unassigning Forms To An Individual Without An Upcoming Appointment 

To unassign a form from a user without an upcoming appointment, navigate to the roster tab and find the contact you'd like to unassign a form from


Once you have selected the correct user, click into the 'Forms' tab, followed by the three dots next to the form you'd like to unassign


Click 'Unassign Form'


Need A Hand? 🙋🏽🤔

Followed all the steps but still having issues? Feel free to reach out to our support team, we're more than happy to help!





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