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How to manage your subscriptions as a coordinator?

Article author
Ly Do
  • Updated

If your organization provides subscription services, you will be able to view and manage all subscriptions within the organization. This article explains what you can do when it comes to subscriptions on the OnCall Health platform. 

First, please navigate to "Billing" section in order to access all subscriptions 


Within this section, you will have the option to access:


Subscription charges


  • Within this table, you will be able to see all recurring transactions for subscriptions within the organization
    • One row represents one charge that re-occurs every billing cycle (monthly or annually). In each row, you will see the subscription plan name, subscription ID (so that you can match with Stripe information), provider name, subscriber name, fee of the subscription, charge date and the status of the transaction
  • A monthly or yearly subscription charge can fail for various reasons, however, the charge will be attempted automatically the next day. Hence, there is no option menu available in this table 
    • If an attempt to charge fails, the status of the row will be reflected as "Failed". However, after the re-attempt, status can be updated to "Failed" or "Succeeded" depending on the card or available funds
  • You will be able to filter by division or search by subscriber name, provider name or plan name in order to find your desired charge


Subscription plans


  • Within this table, you will be able to see all subscriptions within your organization
    • "Active" tab: subscriptions that are still active and clients are still actively paying for services
      • You will be able to deactivate subscriptions in this tab by clicking on the menu option and clicking on "Deactivate subscription" (coming soon)
      • "Ending" subscriptions are those that have been deactivated but clients should still receive care until the end date of the subscription
      • For ending subscriptions, you can click on the "i" icon to find out the cancellation date and end date of the subscription

    • "Inactive" tab: subscriptions that are inactive and clients are no longer paying for services
      • "Next billing" column will be replaced by "End date" column when subscription is moved to this tab
      • No action can be taken for inactive subscriptions, hence there is no menu option 
  • Each row will show information about the subscription plan name, subscriber name, provider name, start date (when subscription is initiated), next billing (expected next billing date), fee (subscription fee)
  • You will be able to filter by division or search for subscriber name or provider name to find the desired subscription

Please note

  • You will not be able to see reasons for failure via this table. Reasons for failure can be viewed if you have access to your organization's Stripe account
  • Ability to deactivate a subscription is coming soon

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